SCOTT is joined by STEEV, MONEY MAKER MAYNARD, REV PINK and making his return, THE PHRAZE / Scott messes up the start of the show, we have to start again / Steev is back from Turkmenistan / if you have a girlfriend in Turkmenistan, you can be fined $1,000 / Maynard has had a quiet week, still keeping it big in oil / The Phraze takes a roasting over his shit audio quality / Pink is cut off from the show initially through a blackout, then appears in a ‘Pandaclava’ / Scott witnesses six ‘Aberdobermans’ arguing outside his house / Woman claims she sees Scott’s Onesie on an online dating site, when no photo’s have been posted there! / We have some audio issues, mainly Phraze sounding like he’s speaking through a crash helmet / Woman gets jealous of her boyfriends dog, takes drastic measures / the Bastardess drunkenly calls Scott and Pink in the early hours of the morning, so we play her call for you all to hear / Would you buy your loved ones a valentines card made from poops? / Listener’s poem gets ripped apart / Show nearly gets derailed by the infamous ‘Roast vs Mash’ debate / Listener emails us to tell us how rubbish we are / All this and more on tonights DHB show!
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