Episode 133: Baron Von Lurch Monster

Posted on September 23, 2013 by

Well, what can I say.. You invite the Lurch onto a show, and things go all to hell. There’s not a news story, not an email, not a Sin Bin touched this week as Lurch steam rolls all over the show, fuelled by his new home brewed cider, coming in at 13.5% at least per bottle. It tastes like death.

Hear how much he hates Roadhouse, why he brought ass beads into the studio and what the hell he’s doing with a near ton of pretzels..

– Scott.

Download tonight’s show now through iTunes, (and be sure to leave us a positive rating there too!), through the FREE Stitcher App on either the iOS or Android Market, listen in STRAIGHT AWAY below, using the audio player on the right of the screen or tune in through the ‘archived shows’ page of the site!

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