Episode 113: Angus Macoatup

Posted on April 29, 2013 by

What better thing do you have to do with your day than listen to us speak nonsense whilst riddled with the alcohols? NOTHING! Sasquatch is joined by Steev, Maynard and Pink for tonight’s show / Happy Birthday to The Phraze and Stuart Smith / Thank you to our sponsors Barney Rubble and Stuart Cartmel / Steev’s been to court, hears about woman launching her baby off the floor / Scott confesses to once slam dunking his baby sister into the TV / Maynard has been powering in the hours at work / Pink went to the cinema and got conned into buying glasses / Scott kicks off at a listener for spoiling a film / The Flaps calls in to tell Maynard he’s on a Time Out / Boobs are seemingly wonderfully soft for hugs / Scott gets ripped for hitting date 5 with no booty call / Man emails in after sabotaging room-mates / Listener quits the show after accusing us of being fantastic ‘rapers’ / all this and more on tonight’s show!

Download tonight’s show now through iTunes, (and be sure to leave us a positive rating there too!), through the FREE Stitcher App on either the iOS or Android Market, listen in STRAIGHT AWAY below, using the audio player on the right of the screen or tune in through the ‘archived shows’ page of the site!

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