DHB 212: Black Market Chromosomes

Posted on March 21, 2016 by

In the wise words of LL Cool J, “Don’t call it a comeback, we’ve been here for years”. Granted, mostly doing f*ck all and being ridiculous, but we’ve still been here sitting in our underwear contemplating our belly button fluff.

So Scott is joined by Steevasaurus, and a ONCE AGAIN nearly dead Lurch! Do you remember when you were a kid that you had a pal who was always poorly? That kid who would rarely get invited out anywhere because he was tucked in bed watching Only Fools and Horses, and sooking on a Lucozade bottle? You know, the kid you inevitably would nickname ‘Plaguey’.

Well, that’s Lurch. He tells us about his illness / Scott nearly dies at a swimming pool / Steev has been struggling with the bills / political correctness goes right out the window / We’re five years old / How to vape with the ‘Marry Joannas’ (Allegedly) / Some sad news to end the show – All this and more on tonight’s DHB Radio Show!


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Phraze: @The_Phraze

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