SCOTT is joined by LURCH MONSTER and MAYNARD for tonight’s show / We get off to an unusual start, as The Baron buys the intro! / The Baron is making it rain with his new ‘Baron Bucks’ all up in this bitch / Maynard is still elusive about what’s going on with his lovelife / Lurch smashed his man chutneys, and nearly died! / Scott gets presented with the ‘Venom Burger’, and wishes he hadn’t / Scott gives a seagull the Hadouken / Lurch nearly sends a sex offender into a coma, and another pressing penis to glass.. All this and much, much more on tonight’s DHB Radio Show!
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DHB Radio Twitter: @dhbradio
Scott: @DHBScott
Baron Von Lurch Monster – @Lurch_Monster
Steev: @Steevasaurus
Pink: @DHBMrPink
Sparky: @SparkyOriginal
Claire ‘Bastardess’ Cooper: @FairyBastardess
Phraze: @The_Phraze
Show intro music used courtesy of ‘ElevenEleven’, a five-piece post hardcore band from the North East of Scotland, hailing from the increasingly vibrant Aberdeen rock scene. Find out more about them over at –
Latest show can be direct downloaded here