In this early show, Scott is joined by Lurch Monster, Mr Pink and very briefly on the phone, The Phraze! We ramble on about stuff and things.. You know, I would write a better description if I could be arsed, I really would. But it’s been a long day for me, I’ve been VERY busy swearing at my copy of Skyrim that keeps crashing on me, and at least on two occasions I had to rage quit, walk away for a bit and have a soothing cup of coffee.. Yeah, I’m damn near 40 and I’m still letting videogames kick me in the balls.
Phraze calls in during this show, and goes on a rant about weddings. And frankly, I don’t blame the man. Why do people piss about with these big flamboyant ceremonies that cost a fortune? Can’t we just all run away to Vegas and get married by Zombie Elvis doing the ceremony in full Klingon? I don’t know about you, but that sounds bloody awesome to me!
Anyway, I’m rambling now – get on with the show, enjoy the heck out of it, and then go spend some hard earned cash in the DHB shop please! For everything you buy, Scott makes a happy noise.
In his pants.
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