Hey peeps! Just so you know, this isn’t a regular DHB episode you’re getting in your head this week, instead we thought it would be fun to re-release episodes of a podcast we started back in 2015 called ‘Attack of the Vampire Sausage’, where Lurch and Scott got together and talked crap about crap movies.
There’s only five episodes of the now renamed, ‘Return of the Vampire Sausage’, and they’ll be released on the feed over the next few weeks. If you like them let us know, and we’ll get to recording some more! Now daddy has to go itch himself, go away.
(If subscribing through iTunes, please consider leaving us a review and a five star rating, it really helps the show get new listeners!)
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DHB Radio Twitter: @dhbradio
Scott: @DHBScott
Lurch Monster: @Lurch_Monster
Steev: @Steevasaurus