Episode 100: 16 Hour Marathon Show Extravaganza – Part 1

Posted on January 14, 2013 by

Well we made it! Here we are finally at our 100th show extravaganza! This is the first part of a whopping 16 HOUR SHOW marathon that we did to celebrate our centenary! Now, here’s the thing.. We only were supposed to be recording for about 5 hours, but as Michael Jackson said to the courts when questioned about his sleepovers, “Shit got out of hand..”

We ended up recording for over 16 hours, and I can’t lie to you people because you seem to have honest (but not pretty) faces. I have not a fecking scooby what in the hell was said during the full 16 hours of broadcasting. All I know, was that many a Honeyed Whisky was consumed, a man put on a child sized ‘One Direction’ t-shirt, The Phraze at some point vomited into the bathroom sink, Manyard was possessed by the spirit of Batman villian ‘Bane’, and left in the pitch black at 2am in wearing shades and carrying a bottle of fancy brandy.

Also, I vaguely remember men dancing half naked in my living room to the Cha Cha Slide, and tucking Phraze into his bed like a worried father.

Hope you enjoy this, part 1 of probably 4 or 5 parts that will be released over the next few days of the entire show. Well, we say entire show, but a good 90 minutes may have dissapeared after Steevasaurus kicked the living sh*t out of the recording PC during his brief, (and possibly ‘only’) stint hosting part of the show.

Hope you enjoy the madness, and if you do then feel free to show us the love by giving us a 5 star review in iTunes!

– Scott.

Download tonight’s show now through iTunes, (and be sure to leave us a positive rating there too!), through the FREE Stitcher App on either the iOS or Android Market, listen in STRAIGHT AWAY below, using the audio player on the right of the screen or tune in through the ‘old shows’ page of the site!

This entry was posted in Episodes

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