Scott is joined by Steeeev, Maynard and Mr Pink for tonight’s show! / Tonight’s show has a new intro tune, from our favourite band ‘Eleven:Eleven’. Find a link to their new FREE album on our FB page / Steev is poorly, nearly pooped himself on the way to the show / We discuss public lavatory etiquette. Are you a sitter or a squatter? / One of Scott’s workmates desecrates a chinese buffet bathroom / Listener calls in looking for his cat, we don’t have a f*cking clue what he’s on about / Maynard gets drunk over the weekend, makes the mistake of drinking with Scott’s boss / Scott is horrified by kids on the bus / Scott hopefully will not be a bus wanker for much longer / Steev has car issues, bores us for twenty minutes on why he’s right, and the car industry is wrong / We talk politics, then realise that we’re boring as hell / Theme Park opens on South Korea, dedicated to toilets / Man wakes up to find 6″ penis tattoo on his leg / Copper writes in for Maynard’s Law seeking pissy redemption / Steeev isn’t happy, submits a sin bin request / All this and more on tonight’s show!
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