SCOTT is joined by STEEV, PINK, MONEY MAKER MAYNARD, COOPS and SPARKY for tonigjht’s show / Steev is going to Turkmenistan / Steev buys a new car / Pink has had a slow weekend, gets harrassed by American Psycho! / Sparky brings daquiri mix, non alcoholic / Maynard has a drunken weekend, makes for a great Bond villan / Steev buys a new car, doesn’t really need it / Steev can’t mention his backer / Scott forgets to put his phone off / Scott used to own a Fiesta Supersport, it gets killed by a fuckwit / Scott goes to the cinema, throws popcorn at the fuckwits in the theatre / We announce new project, ’50 Shades of Pink’ / Man has penis cut off wihile sleeping / Nigerian Police arrrest goat on suspicion of bank robbery / Performance enhancing beer is wanted by Scott / Man emails in, hates plastic packaging / we call a listener who licked out a dirty bird / all this and more on tonight’s show!
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