It’s been a long windy road of wind ups and harassment.. The Sasquatch has been on the receiving end of a LOT of pranks from a mysterious ‘bastard’, and now the time is right for them to face the public! Oh yes, Inspector Sasquatch has been doing his best Sherlock impersonation, and discovered the prankers secret identity! Want to know who it is? Well, you better tune in to tonight’s show to find out!!
We’ve got a studio full of handsome people here at DHB Headquarters, and as usual it just turns messy. But admit it, you love it.. You’re probably hard right now thinking about getting this stuff in your ears.
Scott gets horribly drunk and nearly wrecks poor Ruby’s house, Maynard nearly gets killed by Heather from Eastenders and Pink is on the job hunt.. Get this in your faces people!
– Scott.
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