DHB 235 – More Comebacks Than Ric Flair

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Oh for the love of fu.. Yeah, it’s another ‘comeback’, wooo. Let’s see how long this one lasts eh? I bet this fat piece of sheeet records two more shows, then realises that he’s not a young man anymore that anybody cares about hearing from, then goes off in a huff and writes dad stories in a blog instead!
But in the meantime, here’s this!
Coops’ history is all lies / Emperor Poof is coming.. / Lurch is at fat club / Lurch buys the most magnificent of deadly sex toys / Scott has babies, work and fires / Lurch has an amazing kitchen / Coops has to leave / A man licks ‘tickle sauce’ off a pillow while Lurch dreams about chinese food / All this and more on tonight’s DHB Radio Show!
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