It’s another Scott and Pink show tonight, and it’s a cracker! We talk about people we can no longer talk about, about how Scott nearly once killed Pink by shooting out his car window, and messing sexually with a horse can leave you confused and asking Facebook for help.
I know, it sounds like a clustermound of awesome, and you’d be right. Get it in your head-pits now before I come round your house and plant cress seeds ALL OVER your bath mats.
– Scott.
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Scott: @DHBScott
Baron Von Lurch Monster – @Lurch_Monster
Steev: @Steevasaurus
Pink: @DHBMrPink
Sparky: @SparkyOriginal
Claire ‘Bastardess’ Cooper: @FairyBastardess
Phraze: @The_Phraze
Show intro music used courtesy of ‘ElevenEleven’, a five-piece post hardcore band from the North East of Scotland, hailing from the increasingly vibrant Aberdeen rock scene. Find out more about them over at –
Latest show can be direct downloaded here