DHB 158: Roobs Said Yes!

Posted on April 8, 2014 by

To quote our very own ‘Baron Von Lurch Monster Road Warrior Tilly Butcher with the Massive Cranium’, Hello sexy pals! Join Scott Taylor, Mr Pink and The Baron tonight as we decide who has won the Baron’s Bounty, why Pink’s love life is now dead and why Scott’s is only getting better! Yes, there’s romance, intrigue and a bit of Welsh in this one, so why bother with those fuggin 50 Shades of Pish books, when you could be listening to this goodness!

Also, found out why ‘NDD’ wound up in the cells for the night.. All this and more on tonight’s show!

Download the latest episode here!

Download tonight’s show now through iTunes, (and be sure to leave us a positive rating there too!), through the FREE Stitcher App on either the iOS or Android Market, (and leave a ‘thumbs up’ there too!) listen in STRAIGHT AWAY below, using the audio player on the right of the screen or tune in through the ‘archived shows’ page of the site!

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