General News

This is the End.

Posted on May 9, 2024 by

Hey everyone, it’s the host of your favourite show here, the Commander in Chief Scott Taylor. And I wanted to take this time to update you on what’s happening with the DHB Radio Show going forward. We’ve had an amazing time making this show over the last roughly 14 years, and through it I’ve been […]

Hire Daddy Sasquatch

Posted on July 17, 2023 by

Do you need someone to shout over our youtube video, or narrate your stupid slideshow about cats that look a bit like Hitler? Maybe you need someone to record a bumper for your podcast! Well check out Daddy Sasquatch on Fiverr where you can hire him to do just that! CLICK THIS LINK FOR THE […]

The toodle that shut down the internet.. (NSFW)

Posted on May 21, 2017 by

In case you haven’t watched the full video from our latest episode, (223) you won’t have heard what happened when our broadcast suddenly decided to shut down.. It seems the appearance of a Gentleman’s Sausage on our live Facebook stream got caught within seconds by their decency filter, and they shut us down.. So, In […]


Posted on August 8, 2014 by

Show Intro Poll – Change or Stay?

Posted on July 24, 2014 by

After a comment made by Baron Von Spider Venom Road Warrior Lurch Monster, (First of his name, greatest butcher in all Aberdeen) about the show intro music needing changed, how do you feel? Do you think we need to change out the current ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ track that the former band ’11:11′ let us graciously […]

The Battle of Dog Hill: Round 1

Posted on November 4, 2013 by

Hello Peoples! Righto, to keep you going until the podcast is released on Tuesday, (and the video version is released shortly on the Youtubes) here’s something we did during the aftershow that we like the call, ‘The Battle of Dog Hill’. In this first round it’s the Sasquatch vs Pink, using five tracks each they […]

That’s No Moon..

Posted on September 4, 2013 by

I just had to share this goodness, made by one of our listeners ‘Jack Mayhoff’. I f*cking love this!! – Scott.

Coops vs Stylophone

Posted on May 13, 2013 by

This is just one reason why I love this eejit..

New Promo Image.

Posted on April 16, 2013 by

Click image below to see a larger size version

A Small Xmas Gift..

Posted on December 22, 2012 by

Right! A lot of you have been saying, “OI! FATTY! What’s happening over the next few weeks? We can’t wait till January 13th for there to be another bloody show!” Well, first of all – name calling sucks. I’m just big boned you heartless fucks. Secondly, we ARE releasing some more audio before the BIG […]