SCOTT is joined tonight by PINK, CUEBALL and MAYNARD / Steev is away with work / Maynard has a full weekend, gets busy with a cowboy / Cueball makes a friend called John, then offends him / Pink gets drunk, offends some more Johns / John Millbank calls in to the show, complains whilst masturbating / Scott is following a new exercise regime, no diet chips allowed / Scott has a week of sloth, f*cking sucks at gaming / Scott’s new favourite show is Breaking Bad, loves the hell out of it / Would you use re-constituted toilet roll? / Sperm bank doesn’t want gingers / Listener calls in, and wins a t-shirt / Listener tells us about fox feces, and how horrible it is when spread on your door handles / a John drops a log in a kettle / all this and more on tonight’s show!
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