Hey everyone, it’s the host of your favourite show here, the Commander in Chief Scott Taylor. And I wanted to take this time to update you on what’s happening with the DHB Radio Show going forward.
We’ve had an amazing time making this show over the last roughly 14 years, and through it I’ve been lucky enough to not only make some new lifelong friends, but I’ve also made contact with people around the world whom I’d have otherwise never known, and had my heart touched by those of you who messaged to let us know how much the show meant to you all.
The DHB has been one of the most amazing parts of my life for over a decade, and I can’t thank you all enough for everything you’ve done to make it the success that it was. Through sharing, subscribing, emailing, donating, and buying merch – it’s all helped make something that I’m very f*cking proud to have been a part of, and once again, thank you so much for making all that happen.
And to every guest we’ve ever had, you’ve all been f*cking legends. And I hope you know how much I’ve appreciated you being involved in this nonsense we call a podcast.
However, it’s come time to say goodbye to this chapter of our story, and for the old, feverish DHB to be taken behind the shed and given the goodbye kiss from both barrels of Uncle Jed’s shotgun. This last episode on the feed, (280) will be the last regular episode of the show.
There are a few people I want to thank primarily as we wrap things up, as without them we would never have survived this long doing this thing I love so much. Firstly, Lurch Monster. He’s been the lifeblood of the show for a long time now. Not only has he given us space to record, invested money in better quality kit, and poured a lot of himself into the success of the show, but he’s been an amazing friend who has consistently brought a smile to my heart whenever I’m around him. I’ll miss getting together with him to speak sh*t into a microphone, but hopefully, it won’t be the last time we ever get to do so.
Steev has been with the show since episode one, and constantly cracks me up with his quick responses and funny takes on stories or emails we get into the show. Steev has been a f*cking amazing entertainer, and I thank him for every bit of joy he’s brought to the show.
Coops went from being someone I knew more in passing, to becoming like a close sister to me. She’s been hilarious, not shying away from any stories or tales, and has the honour of being only one of the three people who have braved a DHB-related tattoo. She’s f*cking amazing, and I’ll miss having to lower her mic ‘cause she’s screaming after a few large gins, or stopping her from booting open hotel doors at 2 am.
‘Money Maker Maynard’ also deserves a mention as one of the core members of this nonsense. He’s one of the funniest people I know, and with one quip he can make me near pish my tighty whiteys whilst trying to keep a straight face for a serious email. Thank you to the ‘Sunday Night Delight’ himself, hope to hear you again on mic on whatever comes next.
I could go on for far longer, but to everyone I haven’t mentioned like Hotsauce, Tessington World of Adventure. Boris, Tiny, Mr Pink, Sparky, Greg, Phraze, Baglin, Tattie Twin Pipes, Sandy the Manny, Sandy the other Manny, Ferengi boy.. The list goes on! You’re all f*cking ace, and thank you for everything you did for the show.
So what happens next?
Well, the website will stay online for another couple of months at least. If you want to download any of your favourite DHB episodes then head to dhbradio.com and visit the archive page. Every show from episode one is listed there as an MP3 download. The hosting for the podcast itself will also remain online for a couple more months, so all those files will be available for a while yet. And if you do get caught out with time and still want them later in the year, I’m sure if you send me a large enough storage device I can ram them all in there for you.
But it’s not all doom and gloom! Plan is this; The regular shows have now stopped, but in the next month we’ll be planning a massive DHB Marathon show, where we’ll get as many old guests of the show together and have a barbecue, recording a live final podcast that’ll span the whole day as we reminisce about the old stuff, new stuff, and what’s going to happen next. Keep your eyes peeled to the FB group, WhatsApp Community and the Discord for more details about the giant ‘DHB Arrivedece-Thon’ that are coming soon.
Speaking of our communities, I want to keep the FB group, the Discord and the WhatsApp Community open going forward because being in touch with you magnificent f*ckers means a lot, and I get a good laugh out of all those places. The Insta page and X/Twitter accounts also will change to a new name eventually, (Once I finish working out the details of my next podcast project, which I’m hoping you’ll all consider checking out when it comes!)
Lastly from me, a heartfelt ‘thank you’. For the time you’ve given us tuning in, and for allowing us to make The Doghouse Bastards something that people enjoyed hearing. I write all this with a lump in my throat, because you’ve helped make the past 14 years something special that I will always hold dear.
Toodle-ooh muthafuckas!!
Sir Laird Rev Scott Taylor.

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