SCOTT is joined by SPARKY for his first full show / Recorded at 06:30 in the goddam morning after a hard night drinking, so don’t expect awesomeness! / Sparky and Scott are nearly killed by a tadpole filled drink / The boys have their manhood questioned whilst drinking raspberry daquiris / Sparky hits ebay whilst hammered, wanks away over £400 on two pairs of magnificent shoes / Scott gets dragged to a titty bar, gets harassed by non-English speaking dancers / Three men get into a fight, Sparky retaliates by playing tonsil hockey with ‘Glen Ross’ lookalike / WHO’S THE DADDY! / Sparky gets cock blocked by ‘H.M.S Bluto’ in nearby casino / Claire the Bastardess joins us for the end of the show, at damn near 07:30am / Prostitute wants a pound to feed her three kids, thinks the boys are cock jockeys / All this and more on tonight’s show!!
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