Hey folks, sorry for the delay in getting this out to you, but with the move to the new DHB Country Retreat, everything has been boxed away and only now getting unburied. So now that I’ve set up Studio 1.5, (Basically just the PC in my house) I’ve managed to put together this third collection of parts from the Mini Marathon Show!
It starts off hella messy, because The Krust was here, and she’d been on the drink.. And let me tell you, that lass is nae right (In a good way though, not like that ‘murdering housemaids and burying them under your patio’ kind of way at all).
Anywho, here’s about two hours of goodness that should tickle your unmentionables. Including such idiots as Steev, Coops, Sasquatch, The Krust, The Roobs, Baglin, Mac-Attack and some listeners! Yep, it’s a smorgasbord of awesomeness.
Not long now until we get back to doing regular shows again! 2.0 IS COMING!!
Find us on iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-doghouse-bastards/id418987812
Find us on Stitcher : http://www.stitcher.com/listen.php?fid=17569
BUY A T-SHIRT!! : http://dhbshop.com
Follow the Bastards on Twitter!
DHB Radio Twitter: @dhbradio
Scott: @DHBScott
Baron Von Lurch Monster – @Lurch_Monster
Steev: @Steevasaurus
Pink: @DHBMrPink
Claire ‘Bastardess’ Cooper: @FairyBastardess
Phraze: @The_Phraze
Show intro music used courtesy of ‘ElevenEleven’, a five-piece post hardcore band from the North East of Scotland, hailing from the increasingly vibrant Aberdeen rock scene. Find out more about them over at – http://officialeleveneleven.bandcamp.com/