So hello again! Thanks for sticking around guy, we love you pal, everything’s glorious mate.. Or is it! Yeah, some big changes coming to the show, some downtime, some new uptime and some new marathon time too! LOTS of things on tonight’s show that you should listen to and stuff. Join SASQUATCH and LURCH MONSTER for tonight’s extravaganza of fabulousness.. We talk about lots of things, AND STUFF!
– Scott.
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DHB Radio Twitter: @dhbradio
Scott: @DHBScott
Baron Von Lurch Monster – @Lurch_Monster
Steev: @Steevasaurus
Pink: @DHBMrPink
Claire ‘Bastardess’ Cooper: @FairyBastardess
Phraze: @The_Phraze
Show intro music used courtesy of ‘ElevenEleven’, a five-piece post hardcore band from the North East of Scotland, hailing from the increasingly vibrant Aberdeen rock scene. Find out more about them over at –
Latest show can be direct downloaded here