Joining Scott tonight are Baron Von Lurch Monster, Steevasaurus and rockin’ the old classic Skype line, it’s Mr Pink! We’re not going to apologise for this one, but poor NDD is in for some stick. And not just from us! Oh nooo, Ya’ll mutha truckas need to find Jebus. If he doesn’t throw himself off a bridge before long because of you shower of bastards, you can call me a monkey’s father’s brother. So what else? Well there’s lots of things, like how to give head properly if you’re a lady.. Or hell, if you’re a guy into that kinda thing. Either way, Auntie Angel is going to make sure you’ve got your technique right, and aren’t neglecting your man like you have been in the past.
Listen, okay? There’s too much that’s happened in this show to properly go over in a few, short paragraphs. Just listen to the damned thing already, then email to tell me how much you hate me and all who sail within my wonderful bow.
– Scott.
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Scott: @DHBScott
Baron Von Lurch Monster – @Lurch_Monster
Steev: @Steevasaurus
Pink: @DHBMrPink
Sparky: @SparkyOriginal
Claire ‘Bastardess’ Cooper: @FairyBastardess
Phraze: @The_Phraze
Show intro music used courtesy of ‘ElevenEleven’, a five-piece post hardcore band from the North East of Scotland, hailing from the increasingly vibrant Aberdeen rock scene. Find out more about them over at –
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