So Scott is joined by Steev and Pink tonight, and also new guest, ‘The Tesseract’! We also christened her ‘The Bastard-Tess’, and that seemed all kinds of right. Okay, so listen up – this show especially is not for the delicate of soul out there. We get a little bit rough around the edges on this one, but if you have the testicular fortitude to hang around, then I don’t think you’ll be too disapointed!
Also, can I recommend checking out our new stuff over at DHBSHOP.COM right now? Because I’m sure you’ll love it! Buy things, and keep us on the air!!
Latest show can be direct downloaded here Download tonight’s show now through iTunes, (and be sure to leave us a positive rating there too!), through the FREE Stitcher App on either the iOS or Android Market, (and leave a ‘thumbs up’ there too!) or listen in STRAIGHT AWAY below, using the audio player on the right of the screen or tune in through the ‘archived shows’ page of the site!