

Posted on February 27, 2018 by

  This is not a regular show! Sadly we’ve had no time to get together and record, but you might like this as a bit of filler until we get together next week. Recently Scott and Lurch were invited onto SHMU FM by top breakfast host Sandy ‘The Sandman’ Gibson, were we broadcasted a late […]


Posted on January 12, 2018 by

Well this is another example of what we call her in Scotland, ‘A Stramash’ / Scott nearly goes into a smashing frenzy due to a laptop / Steev nearly died, genuinely! / Lurch takes his dress up to a whole new level / Man grabs ass, gets hoofed in crackers / ‘Get Tae Yer Bed!’ […]

DHB 226: June’s Lum

Posted on December 10, 2017 by

Yeah it’s been a while, but we’re back with a goddamned vengeance with this show! Joining the managerial team of Sasquatch and Lurch is new guest Sandy The Other Manny The Sandman From Shmu FM the Manny! LOTS of great stories in this one / Sandy has to pass the new SPC check for all […]

DHB 225: I’m Gonna Kill That Baron B*****d!

Posted on August 15, 2017 by

Technology can suck balls, like big massive swinging balls sometimes. Take for instance this recording, where both recording devices failed me, and I had to rip the audio from the video file instead. You shouldn’t notice any difference, it’s still myself and Lurch shouting into microphones to compensate for our miserable existences. But wait! There’s […]

DHB 224: The Church of Lurch

Posted on July 15, 2017 by

It’s always about one – upmanship, isn’t it? You get something nice, and someone close to you has to crap all over it and do something better.. Well, there’s that, and other things to discuss in tonight’s episode, including Lurch’s adventures in cinema visits, Scott having an unruly sort invade the beautiful homestead and an […]

DHB 223: The EMP Toodle

Posted on May 20, 2017 by

  You know, a listener said it best when they commented, “Watching Scott trying to handle Lurch and The Apprentice on the show together is like watching a dad struggling to keep his ADHD riddled kids from running chaos at Disneyland”. And they’re not far wrong.. In this latest episode of The DHB Radio Show, hear […]

DHB 222: Dungarees for Chickens

Posted on May 14, 2017 by

So here’s the thing. This show is really only about 1hr 40mins long, and throughout Lurch was knocking back a £50 bottle of wine like it was fecking Ribena. So hang around after the outro music, as we kept recording to see how messed up he would get.. And he did. We cover everything from […]


Posted on March 12, 2017 by

Jeez, it’s been like.. FOREVER since we last recorded a show! Luckily Scott, Lurch Monster and Steevasaurus haven’t forgotten how it all works and got together to record this nonsense! Hear how Scott’s head looks like the watermelon from Dirty Dancing, how Steev is being press ganged into appearing in LURCHAPALOOZA 2017 and why The […]

DHB 220: Bane Cock

Posted on January 3, 2017 by

A new year and a new episode of your favourite podcast! Well, it might not be your ‘favourite’, but at least you’ll play it in the car while you navigate your fat ass through the MacDonalds Drive-Thru.. Joining the captain of the awesome ship tonight is Baron Von Lurch Monster. He’s been a low boy […]

DHB 219: Dreamy Sleepy Nighty Snoozey Snooze

Posted on November 19, 2016 by

Well this one is an absolute stramash of Old Skool goodness.. Did you know that we’ll soon be six years old, and did you know that it’s been over a year and a half since we’ve had a gathering this laden with former guests? Well, buckle in people to hear all about some shocking news […]