SCOTT is joined by MR PINK, MONEY MAKER MAYNARD (big in oil) and CHRIS MAC in tonight’s show! / Pink talks over the intro, gets called names / Scott is delighted with the new camera layout for the live show / Scott’s squeezed into a Spongebob Squarepants (sized XL) onesie, it’s magnificent / chatroom ladies are all soaked through their gussets after seeing it / ‘Triple M’ (Money Maker Maynard) was at a wedding this week, for a surprisingly nice ‘John’ / Speaking of weddings, Chris Mac just cancelled his. As you can imagine we were nothing but sympathetic / The Olympics were awesome, now it’s the comedown / one US runner finished his race with a broken leg / Scott buys meat from a dodgy butcher, (not our friends at the Tilly Butcher!) and shits himself / then answers the door to the postman / Big thanks to Kevin Porteous for the donation of a new monitor to the studio! / Pink is on cam tonight, and has a chatroom admirer who writes him a poem / things are chaotic tonight, so nothing new there then / all this and more on tonights’ DHB Radio show!
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