SCOTT is joined tonight by STEEV, MONEY MAKER MAYNARD, PINK and listener CHRIS MAC / Scott and Steev have seen The Dark Knight Rises, both had nerdgasms / Scott is destitute this week after both Milo and the Mundane-o broke down / Steev was drunk at the weekend, turned into ’28 Days Later’ Zombie Steev / Pink had a New York visitor, who insisted on getting pumped / Did you know parts of New York were modelled on the street layout for Thurso? Yeah, I aint lying mo’fo’s! / We get into the top twelve of the ‘What’s Hot’ listing on iTunes, Scott is delighted / we get a voicemail from our favourite Edinburgh native, Dougie Brae! And he’s not happy.. / Ex-Girlfriends are mental in our new segment, ‘What’s in the Box?’ / Woman wrecks man car and home in messed up vengeance / other woman smashes her own keys into her head / Lots of news stories / Man wants to make a necklace with the bastardess’s teeth / All this and more on tonight’s DHB Radio Show!!
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